Kategori: Uncategorized
Vad är en digital utställning?
Häromdagen efterlyste Kristoffer Soldal, projektledare på Nordiskt centrum för kulturarvspedagogik, exempel på bra digitala utställningar. Det ledde till en intressant diskussion, och jag ska försöka utvidga mitt resonemang något. Vad är en digital utställning, och vad är det egentligen som händer när museer försöker överföra sina utställningar från det fysiska rummet till en digital plattform?
Open Source Museum Apps
Museum apps are becoming more and more common around the world. Very few apps, however, are available as open source. Considering the public funding of most museums, it might be interesting to discuss whether our apps should be released to the public more often. I know of three museum app codebases released with an open…
Technology Alone is Not Enough
From the iPad keynote: “…technology alone is not enough — it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our heart sing…” –Steve Jobs
Iterative exhibitions, case study
Regarding my last post, here’s a case study by Eric Socolofsky, New Media Exhibit Developer at the Exploratorium, of what I was actually aiming for: trying out your exhibits with a live audience. In other news, this blog was put on hold for a while by the arrival of my beautiful, charming and basically perfect daughter (now approaching…
What Can Curators Learn From Coders?
I think there is a fundamental difference between old-school exhibitions on one side and agile web development on the other. The exhibition process basically goes like this: 1) build, 2) launch while the typical agile web project is more like this: 1) launch, 2) build & repeat.
Museums, internet, thoughts
Thanks to the Swedish Exhibition Agency, I was able to visit the conference Museums and the Web, held this April in San Diego. Four days of inspiring workshops, seminars and unconference sessions later, my brain was buzzing with feedback, theories and concrete ideas to test. I started out this last Friday with a talk for my colleagues…